
A celebration of all things trike related 

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Hi all and welcome to www.Trikeflyers.com.

This site has been a dream of mine for as long as I have been triking. I am so proud the Tony (Rainman) decided to do this with me. We hope to be able to show you a little bit of our wonderful world of triking.

I started in the fall of 2004 and can't seem to remember a time that I didn't fly. I'm especially thankful that my beautiful wife Lorie and our daughter Christina enjoy my obsession with me. I couldn't do any of this without their support. Here we are together.

Tony and I welcome your comments and suggestions. If you have any for me, just e-mail me at john@trikeflyers.com.

Thanks for indulging me and Happy Triking..



John Keith

Call sign: Pocketknife

Click here to see my old page.


Below are the trikes that I have owned. They are shown in order from current to the first.

Click the photo to go to each trikes page



2000 Pegasus 912


1999 Pegasus 503




2000 Pegasus 503


2001 Mainair Rapier 503

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