
A celebration of all things trike related 

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Pocketknife (John) and Rainman (me) would like to thank you for visiting our web site. We hope to fill this space with great photos and movies that tell a story. Pages written as seen from a point of view somewhere in between the ground and the base of the clouds. We would like to share our passion for flying and to show you what a great group of people we share this with.

We are part of the The Atlanta Trikers. A wonderful group of trike owners and pilots around the metropolitan area.

Secure your seat belt, make sure nothing will fly out of your pockets and relax while browsing around this site to share with us a little bit of trike flying.

And perhaps we begin with a short flight in North Georgia from Jackson to Calhoun




Antonio Castillo


Call Sign:  Rainman 

Good cigar, but I would rather be flying!


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