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Johns S10 Project

I purchased this plane about 1 year ago from a guy in Bonair, Ga. near Warner Robbins. He had it listed on eBay. The S10 is a 1993 model that was completed in 1995 and received it's airworthiness certificate on 05/09/1996. It's registered Experimental amateur built N950RW. The plane was flown sparingly until the owner had a rough field landing after starving the engine during a loop. The only damage was a bent landing gear leg that had already been replaced, but the fairing had not. It only had 302 hrs on it when I got it. The first few pics are from his ad.

Next are a couple of pictures taken the night that I bought the plane. It had been sitting for a couple of years because the owner was too nervous to fly it after his incident. She was in really good shape but needed some cosmetic work.

The rest of the pictures document some of the work that has gone into her so far. Since I used to do upholstery, I decided to tackle the cockpit first. During this time I also sent the motor off for a rebuild since it was at TBO and had been sitting so long. As you can see, I have made a few changes. I rebuilt all of the controls and updated all of the safety equipment. It took me a couple of tries to get the dash the way I wanted it, but since I was an Avionics tech in the Navy, I had to update the electronics. The plane has an ELT, Microair 760 radio with an internally mounted fiberglass antenna, and Softcom stereo intercom. (just call me Gizmo) The rest of the gauges and electrics have been completely gone through and have now been tested.

The fuselage is painted now and I'm finishing the starburst on the tail feathers as this post goes on the web. I still have to finish painting the wings, leg fairings, and cowls. Then it will be final assembly time.

This project has really taken a lot more time than I had ever planned, but I guess that's what projects do. I can truthfully state that I have rebuilt or replaced every item on this plane. It will basically be brand new again.

I just hope that Rex hasn't jinxed me. He said that I should learn to land it first before rebuilding it. Oh well, too late now.







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